A refund of one hundred percent (100%) will be given for cancellations received one hundred and twenty (120) days prior to the start of the Event Programme, excluding the non-refundable deposit if applicable and any bank charges payable by McLaren.
A refund of seventy five percent (75%) will be given for cancellations received between ninety-one (91) days and one hundred and nineteen (119) days prior to the start of the Event Programme, excluding the non-refundable deposit if applicable and any bank charges payable by McLaren.
A refund of fifty percent (50%) will be given for cancellations received between sixty-one (61) days and ninety (90) days prior to the start of the Event Programme, excluding the non-refundable deposit if applicable and any bank charges payable by McLaren.
No refund will be issued for cancellations received within sixty (60) days of the event, nor for failure to attend.